

英漢字典: warm up

1. become or make more excited or enthusiastic(使)變得熱烈、活躍起來

    We arrived just when the party was beginning to warm up. 正當聚會開始熱鬧起來時,我們趕到了。

    He warmed up when I told him the good news. 當我把這好消息告訴他時,他興奮了起來。

    Peter's jokes certainly warmed the party up. 彼得講的笑話的確使晚會的氣氛變得熱烈起來。

2. become friendly變得親熱起來

    When he found that we were railway workers just like him,he began to warm up. 當得知我們同他一樣也是鐵路工人時,他開始對我們親熱起來。

3. reheat cooked food把(煮熟的食物)重新加熱

    The milk is warming up on the store. 爐子上正熱著牛奶。

    My father was so late that his dinner got cold;my mother had to warm it up. 我爸爸回家太晚,晚飯都冷了,媽媽不得不把飯菜再熱一下。

4. become warm變得暖和起來

    It was very cold this morning,but it seems to be warming up. 今天早上真夠冷的,現在好像變得暖和起來了。

5. get ready for a game or other event by exercising or practicing 做準備工作

    The dancers began to warm up fifteen minutes before the performance. 舞蹈演員們在演出前15分鐘開始做準備工作。

    Let's warm up the car engine a bit before we start. 出發前我們先把汽車發動機預熱一下。

6. refurnish重新修整;刷新

    They have just warmed up the same old plan. 他們只不過是把原來的計劃改頭換面罷了。

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